Tag: milton town council

  • Volunteer Opportunities Available

    Volunteer Opportunities: Committee/Board Vacancies The Town of Milton invites you to help guide decisions and provide input to issues affecting your community, by volunteering for one of the following committees. Committee of Adjustment and Consent Community Services Advisory Committee Downtown Business Improvement Area Heritage Milton Milton Accessibility Advisory Committee Milton Public Library Board Milton Transit…

  • Public Input Sessions – Bruce Street Library

    Public Input Sessions – Bruce Street Library In the Spring of 2011, the main library and library administration that are currently housed at 45 Bruce Street and 407 Pine Street will be moving to a larger facility, with the completion of the new Milton Centre for the Arts.  This relocation presents the opportunity to consider…

  • Residents Association Formed

    If you go way back in the archives of this blog…way back to the 2006 campaign, I made a point that residents should be more engaged in the political process locally.  There are many ways to accomplish this.  One of them is making sure that residents are informed as much as possible about decisions that…


    May this holy occasion of sharing & togetherness fill your heart and home with joy and happiness. Eid Mubarak!

  • 6 Days Remaining

    Sore feet.  Sore legs.  Voice diminishing quickly.  Yep, its getting down to the last few days of a campaign. I don’t know exactly how many kilometres my feet have walked in the last few weeks but I’m sure its close enough to a double marathon race.  Over these last few days I have met and…

  • Not Much Budget Talk

    Last nights council meeting had a number of items on the agenda.  In fact some of the people in the gallery were placing bets on when it would end.  I had predicted 11:50PM but I was about 20 minutes off. One of the highly anticipated items on the agenda was the 2011 Budget Call Report…