Sore feet.  Sore legs.  Voice diminishing quickly.  Yep, its getting down to the last few days of a campaign.

I don’t know exactly how many kilometres my feet have walked in the last few weeks but I’m sure its close enough to a double marathon race.  Over these last few days I have met and talked with many of the voters in Ward 6 who have appreciated my attempt at bridging the gap of communication between town hall and the voters.

It hasnt been easy, but I’m working hard so I can work for you.

Lawn sign requests continue to come in on a regular basis and I will do my best to get them out as soon as possible.  A lot of attention has been drawn to the number of signs in our area recently and as I’ve said before … signs are good but votes are what makes the difference.

I’ll be heading to town hall shortly to get the list of the people who voted in the advance poll over the weekend.  Speaking with a few of the workers at those polls, turnout has been great.  That’s a good sign.

Not only a good sign for the chances of electing Mike Cluett to town council, but for overall turnout in general.  Last election in this area only 23.5% of people came out to vote.  I don’t know if it was people thinking “my vote doesn’t count” but the fact I wasn’t successful that time by only 92 votes shows that every vote DOES count.

There is only one more day available for voting and that’s Monday October 25th. 

I know as a parent of two children myself and whose wife also has a full time career, that things can get crazy.  Picking them up from school, getting dinner ready, homework, sports activities and runny noses takes up a lot of time.  I can only ask that if you haven’t voted yet, please take some time on the 25th to cast your ballot in Milton’s election.

Its been a common theme over the last few elections here in Milton that there’s a lot of change coming.  And there is.

From the intensification of Main Street, to the Derry Green Corporate Business Park, to the Milton Education Village and possible campus of Wilfrid Laurier University, to the Boyne Survey; there are a lot of changes coming to Milton.  You need to be kept up to date on those changes, how they affect you and how your council member can help get you involved in that process.  Its our town and we all want the best for our town.  It’s important that you’re involved as much as possible.

That’s why I want to be your councillor.  With the busy lives we lead on a daily basis, its hard to make it to a public meeting or council meeting where these issues are being discussed.  I want to be your elected representative to attend these meetings and speak out on your behalf.  I want you to be able to email me anytime with questions or concerns that I can bring forward to the table if you cant be there.

That’s the reason why we have a council.  To be your voice around the table when these decisions are made.

Over the next 6 days, I will be doing what I can to talk to as many of you until the 25th.  Please take a moment to view the videos I have on the main page that include the Milton Today TV Debate from Thanksgiving Sunday, to my interview with Kelly from Milton Today and my TV Cogeco statement where I outline why you should vote for me.

I’ve been working hard since the last election to make sure I kept the committments I made to you back then, and I think I’ve done that.  Ive attended council meetings, budget meetings, public meetings and reported the results on my website.  Ive been critical of council when it was deserved and applauded them when it was due.

Every vote counts and I hope to earn your support and vote on election day.  Thank you for making this campaign fun, challenging and inspiring as well.  Until then, I’ll see you at the doors.

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