Tag: hawthorne villager
Region of Halton Budget Highlights
Ive received a few emails from people asking when the Town of Milton budget documents will be ready. As I’ve posted here before we are expecting those documents to be ready around the 26th of November for our review. This will give councillors 14 days to review the budget, receive input from the public and…
Fellow councillor Zeeshan Hamid posted a few days ago some disturbing information about possible changes to the electoral riding boundaries in our area. From time to time Elections Canada undergoes a review of electoral districts when new census data comes in. Given the fact that Milton is Canada’s fastest growing municipality, there were talks that…
Region of Halton Budget Available ONLINE
I thought I had posted the link before but apparently I did everything but in one of my last posts. You can find the Region of Halton budget for 2013 online at www.halton.ca/budget Its a large document with 570 pages to read through so as many have said to me, if you have a problem…
Work Begins at Intersection of LSL & Ferguson
I just wanted to post a quick update regarding the intersection of Louis St Laurent and Ferguson Drive. As many of you remember, there has been a lot of concern about the safety of students in this area directly across from Craig Keilburger Secondary School and the lack of traffic control, especially during school hours. …
Budget Time Is Coming
Its that time of year again. No, not Halloween…thats over. Not Christmas time either. Its 2013 BUDGET TIME. Now these words normally spread fear in the hearts and minds (and therefore changes the sleeping patterns) of elected officials but its a very important time of the year. If youve been reading the local papers, other…