I just wanted to post a quick update regarding the intersection of Louis St Laurent and Ferguson Drive.

As many of you remember, there has been a lot of concern about the safety of students in this area directly across from Craig Keilburger Secondary School and the lack of traffic control, especially during school hours.  Town Staff has confirmed with me that work has already started getting underground wiring installed for so that when the traffic lights are ordered/received, they can begin installation.  There is no timeframe as of yet to when it will be completed but its in progress. 

If you see workers at this intersection and wonder whats going on, its the preliminary setup for the traffic lights.

I’ll keep you posted on when the full lights/crosswalk will be installed when I get it.  As always, its imperative that you continue to communicate with the students of CKSS that they should cross the street with caution, not walk out into traffic and be safe in and around the school.  Its also important to remind drivers that they should exercise caution when driving in this area and obey the posted speed limits.

Thanks to everyone for their patience.  I’ll see you at the doors.

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