Author: Mike Cluett

  • Mike Cluett Gives COVID19 Update For Milton

    I had the opportunity to speak with Jessica Kaitting from Halton News (YourTV Halton) to bring Milton residents up to date on whats happening regarding the COVID19 situation. As I mentioned in the interview, we need to get the message out about social distancing, the possibility of a state of emergency declaration, staying away from…

  • New Release: Town of Milton shuts down recreation, culture and library facilities and cancels programs to help protect the community from COVID-19

    News Release March 13, 2020 Town of Milton shuts down recreation, culture and library facilities and cancels programs to help protect the community from COVID-19 Effective March 14, the Town of Milton is closing all recreation, culture and library facilities and canceling programming, until April 5 (inclusive), as a precaution following health directives and to…

  • COVID 19 / Coronavirus Information for Halton/Milton Residents

    Here is my podcast for Friday March 13th that contains sources of information on COVID 19/Coronavirus for Milton & Halton Region. and [spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=23840619″ width=”100%” height=”200px” theme=”light” playlist=”false” playlist-continuous=”false” autoplay=”false” live-autoplay=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”true”]

  • New Podcast – Milton 2020 & Other Updates

    [spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=23476307″ theme=”light” autoplay=”false” playlist=”false” cover=”” width=”100%” height=”400px”]

  • Milton 2020 and Beyond

    Its that time of year again.  Municipal leaders all over the GTA are producing what they refer to as the “state of the union/town/city” addresses. Milton was no different as on this past Friday the Milton Chamber of Commerce hosted the 2020 Breakfast with the Mayor. Town of Milton CAO Andrew Siltala gave the sold…

  • Improvements to Saturday Transit Requested by Mike Cluett

    At the last Milton Town Council meeting, I put forward a notice of motion to direct staff to review the towns current marketing plan, consult different groups (including seniors & youth) to find ways of improving ridership on Milton Transit Saturday service. During council deliberations I was very adamant that we need to find different…