At the last Milton Town Council meeting, I put forward a notice of motion to direct staff to review the towns current marketing plan, consult different groups (including seniors & youth) to find ways of improving ridership on Milton Transit Saturday service.

During council deliberations I was very adamant that we need to find different & better ways of promoting our transit service. Over the last number of years the topic of Saturday transit arises and some members of Milton Town Council support the cancellation of this service, only to have a majority of councillors agree to keep it. Nothing ends up happening throughout the year and the process is repeated again to no avail.

We’ve asked for this to be completed by September 2020 so that any improvements to ridership can be reported to council in plenty of time to be included in the budget process and a more informed dialogue to ensue.

Oddly enough, the motion hit a procedureal glitch because seeing how we would want staff to have enough time to start and complete this process, we would have to waive procedure to discuss at this meeting as opposed to waiting for March. Clr Best and Clr Malbouef didnt feel it was that important and declined to support the bump in discussion. No worries, I called for a recorded vote & instead of waiting another cycle, we could get to work. Thank you to my colleagues who supported this motion so we can take action on improving transit as opposed to simply waiting for budget time and spinning our wheels.

Here is an article from MYFM on the motion.

As always I am looking for input on how we can improve not only our Saturday transit ridership, but our services as a whole. My email is or call/text/WhatsApp me at (647)-888-9032

Ill see you at the doors.

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