Constant & Never Ending Improvement

Here’s a quick update to those who have been asking “What are you to up these days Mike?”

As you know if you follow me here, I am working as a Resource Development Manager for the United Way Halton and Hamilton since January. I have been a long time supporter of United Way holding positions as a member of the Board of Directors and the Fundraising Cabinet since about 2009, and now working full time for them.

After the election back in October (has it really been that long now?) I wanted to find a place where I could continue working for and supporting my community and UW was a perfect landing spot for me and I’m truly having a great time.

While the new role is busy – don’t get me wrong  – it’s offered up an opportunity to further my skills and education so I’ve enrolled in the Chang School at Toronto Metropolitan University “Fundraising Management Program” with my future goal to attain my CFRE (Certified Fund Raising Executive designation)

My first course starts tomorrow and everything is online so I thankfully don’t have to travel to campus for classes. As what’s referred to as a “mature student” at the age of 50 something plus you can never stop learning and honing your skills & education … so here it goes.

Just doing one course at a time to begin with to see how it all goes. I don’t see scenes of the “Back to School” movie happening anytime soon, but we’ll have to see.

Day one of being a TMU student starts … now! #management #learning #education #community #fundraising

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