I can tell you right off the bat, one of the top, if not THE top question I have been getting recently from Milton residents is “What can we do to help?”

We continue to see the numbers of COVID-19 infections increase in Milton and Halton Region. No municipality, no province and no country has been able to escape this sobering fact…the second wave has hit us and hit us hard.

“We were doing so well during the summer”…. “We worked so hard to flatten the curve.”

We did a great job. The community was united in focus and determination to stop the spread and stayed home. We ordered take out from local restaurants and we only shopped when it was necessary to do so. Many people started working from home and some have changed the way they do business. Some of our students are staying home and learning virtually and adapting to those challenges so well.

Something happened along the way. I remember hearing things like “at least we’re not like the United States.” And yet our numbers continue to climb rapidly despite the inconsistencies in the amount of people being tested. There have been perceived mixed messages about what we do…bubble or no bubble…how many people can we invite over vs. only your immediate family…coupled with our own rationalizations of the rules. “I guess its ok if we do this!”

Each and every day the numbers continue to rise. As I mentioned in a few posts back and in my most recent podcasts, we have gone from 6 active cases at the beginning of September in Milton to now close to 300 near the end of November. A large number of those cases are from our LTC facilities, but the fact remains is this virus continues to spread and we need to do something about it.

These are challenging times and I join with the voices of many municipal leaders in Halton and across the country in asking our residents to stay in their home communities during the holiday season. Shopping for Christmas presents is on the top of many peoples minds (including yours truly) but as has been said since this all began, we are in different times.

While Halton’s numbers aren’t at the level of say Toronto or Peel, they are still concerning. We hope that people from these “hotspot” areas respect our wishes in staying out of other regions to avoid further spread of COVID-19.

What is more important that that is your local community needs support. Your local companies, businesses and restaurants need you more than ever. As the holiday’s continue to get closer and closer PLEASE consider local first when you are shopping. Whether its ordering dinner, or buying Christmas presents for family and friends, do a quick search in Milton first.

These companies support our local community. If there is a fundraiser somewhere, guys like the Rad Brothers and Troy’s Diner are the first ones to offer gift cards or prizes. Companies like The Dance Shoppe offer their locations to drop off food for charities like Food For Kids and the list goes on and on. They need your help now more than ever. Please consider local first before jumping on Amazon.

How else can you help? Limit your travel…go out only when necessary. Wear a mask properly – when indoors and even outdoors when you can’t keep the 6ft distance. Be courteous to others when out shopping or walking. When you are out shopping, please be kind to the employee’s at the store. They are doing their job and if they ask you to wait a little before going into the store, or they remind you about your mask…they’re doing their job! My colleague Halton Hills Councillor Clark Somerville reminds us all the time…”Be Kind, Be Kind, Be Kind!”

And finally, take a moment and say a prayer or give a good thought to those suffering from COVID-19 right now. As its been reported recently, Allendale LTC home in Milton is suffering from a high number of COVID-19 cases spreading through the residents and staff. They could use some good thoughts and prayers right now for the residents, families of those living there and the staff. Everything is being done to protect them and there are probably future challenges ahead. Please think of these people and keep them in your thoughts.

I close with a message for Milton residents. We WILL get through this but its going to take some time. We have to be patient and we have to be diligent every single day. We as Miltonians have to keep focused on the goal of once again flattening the curve and doing everything we can in our power. Wash our hands…sanitize often…stay home unless necessary to go out…keep that 6 foot distance…wear a mask…and be kind!

We are #MiltonStrong … we’ve done it before and we can do it again.

Be safe!


One thought on “What Can You Do To Help?”

    What can we do to show ALL the hardworking staff at ALLENDALE LTC our gratitude. I cannot organize this myself as I am quite poorly :/…

    These beautiful souls are risking their own health and their families with the devotion they are showing ❤ taking care of Milton’s most vulnerable…

    Could someone donate a couple of fully decorated huge Christmas Trees One for Allendale and one for Milton District Hospital –


    Show these angels the love they show to our loved ones in the most needing of times – ❤ Give a lift to their hearts 💕 when they are logging into work and when leaving exhausted… xo

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