70_kmAs many know, the Town of Milton has been taking some time to review speed limits in the rural areas of town.

There will be a report coming to Milton Town Council soon but we have arranged a couple of opportunities for residents in the rural area to get information on possible changes and provide their input on those changes.

Questions will be:  Do we move to a standard speed limit for rural roads?  Do we give the same consideration to rural residents as we do those in residential areas?

For residents in wards 1,6,7,8 (south of Derry) there is an open house scheduled for Tuesday June 16th at Milton Town Hall (Milton Room) starting at 630pm.

For residents in wards 2,3,4,5 (north of Derry) there is an open house scheduled for Wednesday June 29th at Brookville Hall beginning at 7pm.

Please let me know if you will be attending.

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