cropped-cropped-IMG_0000008712.pngLast night we had our last Administration and Planning Committee meeting for this term of Milton Town Council. 

It’s been a pleasure to serve on that committee for the last four years along with the chair Colin Best. 

It did strike me as odd that with the election just over 30 days away that there were very few candidates for Milton Town Council in attendance. Over the last few months, the public gallery has had a number of candidates for positions attend on a regular basis.  It brings me back to the last election campaign for me, when from early January to the last meeting I attended each one.  

The best piece of advice I received when I first thought of running for public office was to attend the meetings and see how the process works.  It will give you a better understanding about the job, what it entails and the demands it will have on your time.  After I started attending regularly back in 2010, many other candidates showed up as well.  The ratio of those who won vs who didn’t is actually pretty good.

It’s because they were able to speak to voters with the understanding of what a local councillor does and that goes a long way.  They were able to make promises to voters as to what they could or could not do.  Knowing about the job is important for everyone who puts their name on a ballot.

Over this last year there have been a few candidates who attended regularly which is good.  Some however have not.

Out of the candidates who are vying for the position of Local and Regional councillor for wards 1,6,7 & 8, aside from one who attended less than a handful of meetings, no one has shown up.  Even the former councillor who was ousted from office back in December (see the link here and here)  and who made promises to attend meetings has not once shown his face at a meeting.

Some will claim “I watched the meetings online”  If you want the job, you make the effort to attend and take part in the conversation.  There should be no excuse at all for not wanting to be prepared for the job you’re spending money on trying to get.

None of the candidates for the position I’m running for have spoken on ANY issues they claim is important to them.  When it comes to town input sessions on budgets, community services, infrastructure or parks that both myself and the town have hosted…Nothing.

For over the last year I have attended the Regional Council meetings to prepare myself and be ready to start working day one. None of my opponents have.

Their lack of attendance should speak volumes to voters this coming election. Where have you been all this time?

The choice is clear for voters in wards 1,6,7,8. Mike Cluett is ready to start working Day one.

I’ll see you at the doors.

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