Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

The Provincial Government has released its 10 year capital forecast for infrastructure projects (for things like HOSPITALS, GO Transit etc.) and despite the efforts of thousands of Miltonians, Halton Healthcare Services and countless numbers of pleas, there is nothing in this report regarding a green light for the expansion of Milton District Hospital.

The link is here if you’d like to skim through it.

It provides few details of hospitals that “COULD” receive funding over the next few years based on the ability of the government to pay for it.  Can you say “election promises”?  Here’s how its worded…”Completing the 27 major hospital projects under construction, and continuing to invest in hospital expansions and redevelopment projects, subject to fiscal capacity.” AND “Investing in three to five major hospital expansions and redevelopment projects each year, subject to fiscal capacity.” (page v of the report)

Through all the discussions in the last year or so regarding hospital levy’s and how they were supposed to help us get where we need to go, rally’s and reasons to go and not to go and those of us (me mostly) to “play nice” when it comes to putting pressure on the provincial government to open their eyes and “get off their duff” and do something about it….all of that didnt work.

Council was sold on the hospital levy that it will help. It didnt. That idea failed. Period. Full stop.

“Be nice” Mike…I was told. “Dont rock the boat.” I complied.

All of that proved to be unsuccessful in the grand scheme of things as Ive gone through that report and found NOTHING regarding Milton’s hospital.

Its provincial election time. And my gloves are off. Im hoping that those who said theyll be in line to drive the bus to Queens Park and protest hold true to their promises because now is the time to rattle some cages.

Its gone beyond silly side remarks to the premier when he drops into town for at Tweetup. I got him to say “Milton Hospital Expansion” which was cute and all, but does nothing when it comes to the big picture.

The level of frustration that I and thousands of Miltonians are feeling right now is beyond words. Im tired of tip-toeing around things and I hope the other community leaders feel the same way. It seems the way things “should be done” dont work.

I want everyone, regardless of party youll be supporting in the next election, PC, Liberal, NDP, GREEN, RHINO, Pancake…whatever it is. If you have a sign on your lawn, make sure you have a GROW MILTON HOSPITAL to go along with it

The GROW MILTON HOSPITAL campaign, despite others saying it was “political” simply wasnt. It wasnt meant to promote any particular party and it again wont be. It simply has to be said to any candidate, Ted, Indira, (cant remember the name of the NDP if theres one) or anyone else that walks through this riding that the hospital needs to be greenlighted and NOW. If any of the party leaders fly through town for photo ops they will be met with ME and hopefully a few others with GROW MILTON HOSPTIAL signs and demands of a FIRM date for green lighting the expansion. Nothing else will be accepted.

With this delay, it puts us even MORE behind the 8 ball when it comes to the delivery of health care services in this town. We need a made in Milton solution for our hospital as others that are being built in the surrounding areas ARENT designed for growth in other regions.

Evidence has been presented forever and a day with the need for growth at MDH and its been ignored. Thanks but no thanks.

We’ve had senior members of the provincial govt through town from the infrastructure minister, to the health minister to the premier and MUMS the word. They knew nothing was going to be done. Any mention of the hospital expansion and either theyre whisked away to question period or they blurt out lines like “er….uh….we’re looking at it” Whatever.

Sorry that Im venting but reading through this report and thinking back to all the comments I got from others saying “be nice…it’ll happen…this will help …dont you worry.” Well, we now see where that got us.


7 thought on “The List Is Out AND?”
  1. I hope those on council who used the idea that having the levy will get the hospital approved and on the list will change their minds and join you and vote to remove the levy this upcoming budget.

    I rememeber a number of them say, if this doesnt work, they wont support it again. There were at least 3 of them who said that in comments after and during the discussions for the 2011 budget. We’ll see what happens this time or will they go back on their word.

    The levy didnt work, so cancel it and find other ways to fund it like the slot revenues the town receives yearly. That way it doesnt impact the tax base.

    I feel the frustration Mike. Hardly any of the councillors came out to the rally which was pitiful!!! They talk the talk but wont walk the walk.

  2. Im not the only one feeling the frustration. Almost 100,000 Miltonians will be feeling the frustration as the hospital expansion project is delayed again.

    The “plan” placed a caveat of if they have the money. They will use the excuse of not having enough money for not expanding the hospital. We’ll get promises in the coming weeks during the provincial election.

  3. Are you serious? This is disgusting! Totally crap! Id use stronger language but Mike probably wont let it go through.

    Do people have to die at the hospital before something is done?

  4. Thank you Mike for saying this. Im tired of people playing nice. Call a spade a spade.

    Now if we can get more of council to start talking like this and maybe the province will take us seriously.

  5. The topic of the hospital levy will be discussed at the town hall budget information session on July 11th as well as throughout the budget process. I for one, will not support keeping it as there are other ways through our capital budget to put $$$ into the hospital expansion reserve fund without direct impact on taxpayers wallets.

    I didnt support it before and after talking with many Miltonians since that time, I havent found a sufficient level of support for it to change my mind.

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