Even in the early hours of Monday morning you could feel the excitement.  I got to Troy’s Diner Best Western location shortly after 6AM to a full parking lot and over a hundred people running about.

City TV’s Breakfast Television was setting up their live feed as the toys were being put into the trailers for their journey to the Salvation Army, Sick Kids Hospital and Halton Womens Place to put smiles on childrens faces for Christmas morning.

They actually had to call in another trailer as the two they had in place were filled to the brim and almost overflowing.

Among the notables in attendance was Canada’s most famous hockey dad Walter Gretzky who worked the room non stop talking to kids of all ages, signing autographs and smiling for pictures.  This man has no ends to his energy and is truly a classy gentleman.  Johnny Bower was also running around to the delight of Leaf fans in the room.  Santa-Tiger Ali Singh could be seen signing autographs with his father Tiger Jeet Singh recounting their years in professional wrestling. 

Even I got a picture with “The Champ”

The tables were filled with silent auction items that ranged from signed merchandise by Walter and Johnny to Raptors Tickets and other great prizes.  Congratulations to Troy, his staff and all the volunteers that put countless hours of effort to make this drive the best yet.  I havent heard any official numbers but I do know last years total was blown away BIG TIME.  This event also wouldnt be what it is without the efforts and dedication of Tiger Jeet Singh and Tiger Ali Singh and their family.

Its heartwarming to know that there will be a few more smiles on kids faces this Christmas morning because of the generosity and love of all those involved.

Great job by all.  Merry Christmas.

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