Every year for the past several years, the Cluett family has joined our very good friends Hilary and Mike Heenan in support of the Kidney Foundation of Canada’s annual walk to raise awareness of organ donation.

The date of the walk is close to Anthony’s birthday so he gets quite excited about attending.  This year the attendance was quite good and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect for a 5km walk.  Great scenery along the waterfront at the Lakeland Centre in Hamilton and hundreds of people walking to raise awareness for the cause.

Hilary again was one of the top fundraisers for Ontario, raising over $ 4,000!!! Way to go!

More importantly these walks held by the Kidney Foundation helps raise awareness of the importance of organ donation.  My next question is this…have you signed your donor card?

Click here for more information on how you can complete your pledge to “Give the Gift of Life”  There are thousands and thousands of people in Ontario waiting for transplants and you and your family can help.

From the Kidney Foundation website:

The Kidney Foundation of Canada’s Give the Gift of Life Walk is a non-competitive pledge-based event focused on raising awareness about kidney health and organ donation.  

Each year, thousands of Canadians are touched by kidney disease. It not only impacts the individuals living with the disease, but their families, friends and loved ones as well. The Kidney Foundation is working to help improve the lives for all people affected by kidney disease. With your support, the generosity of donors and corporate partners, we are supporting leading kidney-related research in the country.

The walk presents an occasion for dialysis patients, organ transplant recipients, donor families, living donors, the medical and business communities and the general public to celebrate advances in kidney health and organ donation. The walk is an extraordinary grass roots, community based event set to unite more than 27 communities across Ontario this fall.

2 thought on “Give the Gift of Life”
  1. What a wonderful recap Mike. Ive been to that walk many times and I missed this year. Its so nice that you support your friends like that. That kind of support means more than you can imagine.

    Im having to go to the hospital to dialize 3 times a week and I wouldnt be able to get through it if it were not for my friends and family.

    Congrats to Hilary as well for the money she raised!!! WOW!

    Thanks for promoting the walk Mike and good luck in your campaign. If I lived in Milton, Id definatley be voting for you.

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