I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of the new look www.mikecluett.ca among other things.  The new site should be ready to go within a week or so as we have some small things to iron out and making sure all the previous posts from this highly successful blog make it over to the new domain.

That way your source for Milton news and updates as it pertains to town council and the fun things that happen within our borders can be located in one spot… www.mikecluett.ca

I also wanted to let people know that summer is coming…(it is???) and that means the Downtown Milton Street Festival!  It will take place on JUNE 5th 2010 in the only place to be…downtown Milton.

Check out the link for all the details.  The Downtown Street Festival came about during the planning of Milton’s 150th Anniversary celebrations, of which I was part of that committee, and its become an annual event ever since.  The organizers of the celebrations are always looking for volunteers to help plan, set up and take part in making this party a success.


Click on the Volunteers Tab and fill out the application form.  Remember, tell the kids that they can earn volunteer hours, have a blast and enjoy the summer day in downtown Milton.

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