It has been sometime, yet again, where I have been a tad busy to update the blog and let people in on whats going on in the Cluett family.  The reason why I have been so busy is that we welcomed a new addition to the family a couple of weeks ago. 

Namely our new daughter Miranda.

She was born at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, weighing in at 6 lbs and 10 oz’s.  Both Pat and Miranda are doing very well and we are all enjoying this new foray in to parenthood.  My biggest worry about being a father of a new born is “will I remember how to do all of this again?”

The answer is yes, of course you remember it.  Its just like riding a bike, but the tires are a bit flatter and you move a little slower, especially after 7 years.

This time around was a lot less stressfull than the first time, partly due to the fact we knew what to expect this time.  It was a scheduled section at the hospital on April 30th and we both remarked as we casually walked into the entrance that it was much different than the last time.  With Anthony we were ushered into the lobby of the hospital in a speeding taxi cab in the middle of the night.

Anthony’s being a complete star about everything and has fallen in love with his little sister from the moment he laid eyes on her.  His FIRST reaction however was a bit concerning.  My mother, who is in for a visit from Newfoundland and Anthony were staying at the Delta Chelsea Hotel on the day of the birth so that they can come visit when Pat was sent to her hospital room.

So after she was resting in the recovery room, I made my way out to the lobby to make my designated 4,209 calls to everyone who wanted to know when it happened.  I also had my blackberry with me so I could send some emails and update Facebook with comments, and the official birth announcement but I was too scared to use it in front of the nurses.  I called the hotel room and both my mom and Anthony picked up the phone at the same time.  “You have a little sister!” I told Anthony and after a slight pause he says “OH MAN” and hangs up the phone!  NOT the reaction I was lookign for.

We made our way to the hospital from the hotel a couple of blocks away and from the moment he laid eyes on her, he was hooked.  THAT was the reaction I was looking for.  Hes been a stellar big brother so far but he only has one condition that he doesnt change ANY diapers.  OK…. for now!

Pat and I are adjusting well to the late night feedings and the interupted sleep patterns and crying babies and smelly diapers…and we wouldnt change it for the world.  Yes, it is like riding a bike, with the tires a tad flatter in my case.  Where did I put that bike pump?


One thought on “New Additions”
  1. Congratulations to Pat and Mike and welcome Miranda to this crazy world of ours!

    It’s definitely easier the second time around, although our gap between kids was only 3 years. Glad to hear you’re adjusting ok to the new late night schedule – again, it’s easier the 2nd time – it’s the first child’s arrival that is the big jolt to your lifestyle!

    Take care and enjoy – having 2 is amazing – especially a boy and a girl – you will quickly be amazed at how different they are as Miranda gets older! There will be times when Anthony is doting on his little sister and there are sure to be other times in the future where he’ll be blaming things on her and trying to get her in trouble!

    All the best to your family, and I hope Pat is doing well.

    — Dave

    Thanks Dave. It is much easier the second time around, but it takes a bit more out of you for sure. HA. But I wouldnt change it for the world. Anthony loves his little sister and is adapting really well. He cant wait to come home from school and play with her and does a great job helping out when he can…but still no diapers!

    Thanks again Dave! – Mike

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