“The streets of heaven are crowded with angels tonight”

Thanks to Giles and Samantha Attew amongst others for getting this organized.

I dont think there was a parent or person out there who was not affected by what happened in Newtown CT last week.  Watching the news I could barely hold back the tears as the visuals of children running screaming from their school were shown on TV and hearing the accounts of what happened made my skin crawl.

Its these events that prompted the quick organization of a night time vigil in remembrance of those children who were taken from us way too soon and the to support the families and friends of those directly affected by the events of that day.

There will be a Teddy Bear Candlelight Vigil this Friday Dec 21 at 6pm at Victoria Park/City Hall – 150 Mary Street to Support The Grieving Families at Sandy Hook ES – Newtown , CT.

Bring a Bear to show you care!   Attached is the poster – Please share this with others in Milton so they are aware! Milton, Lets all come together to do a payer and to show love & keep Newtown in our thoughts during this difficult time they are facing. All Bears will be collected and sent to Sandy Hook ES.

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