Tag: ward 1 milton
Local Matters With Mike Cluett & Clark Somerville – Mask 101
On this weeks edition of Local Matters with Mike Cluett, Councillor Clark Somerville of Acton show you how to properly put on, wear and remove your masks. With the Halton wide bylaw coming into effect this week, this is good information. Tune in to YourTV Halton www.yourtv.tv and see when Local Matters is being broadcast.
Halton Region Mandatory Mask Bylaw Passes Unanimously
Unanimous! Thank you to Halton Region councillors, staff, Halton’s Medical Officer of Health, legal team, everyone who submitted their presentations, to those who sent emails, made phone calls, commented on social media (even the ones who called me a loser
and other unmentionable names & reminded me they knew where I lived) … THANK…
Milton Town Council Unanimously Endorses Regional Mask ByLaw Debate
Earlier today Milton Town Council unanimously endorsed a recommendation brought forward by myself & Regional Councillor Zeeshan Hamid to have Halton Region discuss & vote on a region wide mandatory mask bylaw. The next meeting will be Wednesday July 15th. Over the course of the last number of days, Halton Region municipalities have either passed…
Mandatory Masks In Halton?
Halton Region is drafting a bylaw for discussion/approval on July 15th should regional council move in that direction. The draft bylaw will be made available for viewing this Friday and will be discussed on July 15th at Halton Regions next council meeting. You can visit www.halton.ca for the details and how you can register to…
Happy Canada Day Milton
As we look back over the last few months we as Miltonians have a lot to be proud of. From the daily heroic actions of our front line workers, to the hundreds of businesses in town who despite immense challenges to keep their businesses afloat still kept focusing on giving to others, and the thousands…
What Does Stage 2 Look Like In Milton
Just this afternoon Milton Town Council approved a plan brought forward by our staff on what Stage 2 of the COVID19 provincial recovery plan looks like from a service level. As one would understand, there are many factors involved in making these decisions of what is opened and what can wait. Safety of the residents…