Tag: town of milton
Lost, Missing or Damaged Lawn Signs
I would like to take this opportuntity to thank those of you who have chosen to put up a Mike Cluett lawn sign to show your support. It is something else to see your name everywhere you go while knocking on doors and driving around the ward. Just taking a quick break at this point…
Proposed Pristine Plant & All Candidates Meetings
I can’t say that I’m surprised that the bulk of the emails that I (and I assume most of the other candidates as well) have been receiving recently have been on the proposed Pristine Plant and how we as candidates feel about it. Here’s just one of those emails from Andrea…***Hi, As a concerned Milton…
Milton Masterpiece Theatre
Also known as Milton Town Council. For those who were able to attend last night’s Town Council meeting, you were treated to a show. Talking about 500lb gorillas and bunches of banana’s (yes there were real ones there) and how outraged they were about the proposed Pristine Power plant issue. It was nice to see…
Getting down to the nitty gritty…
Saturday was a very busy day. I was out in the Barclay Circle area with Pat and Anthony (who now has a great ice breaker at the door) “Hi…my daddy’s running for town council” and he hands them one of my brochure with a big smile on his face. I think he’s got a future…
Signs, Stop signs and Support
I received a very nice email from Michelle who lives in Ward One. Hello Mike, I am just wondering if you can tell me if you would be looking at issues regarding our childrens parks if elected. We spend a lot of time at the parks with our children and we hope that some changes…
Rain Rain Go Away…
Picked a great night to put up lawn signs. After knocking on some doors I decided to get my hands dirty a bit and a bunch of us put up some signs on supporters lawns and at the key intersections. I think they look pretty good, if I do say so myself. If you would…