Tag: town of milton
An interesting letter to the editor earlier this week from Zeeshan Hamid regarding Milton Town Council. In his letter he outlines that Milton Town Council directed staff to apply for some funding from the federally run Recreation Infrastructure Canada and the provincially run REC for two projects of interest. In a motion earlier in June,…
Milton Canada Day 2009
Its here again… Fireworks, fun, frolic, and fun times. All the information can be found at www.miltoncanadaday.ca Heres some highlights. “Canada Day” at MILTON FAIRGROUNDS – 136 Robert St. Wednesday, July 1, 2009 – 12:00 p.m. Free Admission & Transit Service Enjoy a whole day of fun celebrating “Canada Day” in Milton “Milton Canada Day”…
Street Festival this Saturday June 6 2009
The list of the entertainers is out for this weekends 3rd Annual Street Festival. All the details can be found at the Milton DBIA website . One of my personal favourites The Randalls will be playing again along with dozens of other entertainers and bands throughout the day. If you were there last year, you’ll…
Common Sense
If you head on over to the Hawthorne Villager site, you will see the results of my completely unofficial, unscientific poll regarding the salary increase for town staff and Milton Town Council. As of today the results were… Should Councillors be able to vote themselves a pay increase? Yes…they deserve it for the hard work…
Milton Councillor's Give Themselves a Pay Increase
I thought I was in a time warp when I read this…but alas its real and recent. The pay increase being talked about isnt a cost of living adjustment but rather an annual review of the salaries. As Ive talked about in the past, ad nausem apparently, the optics of this is off the chart. …
Somebody Likes Thompson Road
You cant read through a Milton web forum on the internet without stumbling over someone complaining about the roads, and more specifically Thompson Road. There are usually a variety of complaints about it, but the one that stands out the most is that there are too many traffic lights in a short period of time. …