Tag: milton town councillor

  • Mandatory Masks In Halton?

    Halton Region is drafting a bylaw for discussion/approval on July 15th should regional council move in that direction. The draft bylaw will be made available for viewing this Friday and will be discussed on July 15th at Halton Regions next council meeting. You can visit www.halton.ca for the details and how you can register to…

  • Happy Canada Day Milton

    As we look back over the last few months we as Miltonians have a lot to be proud of.  From the daily heroic actions of our front line workers, to the hundreds of businesses in town who despite immense challenges to keep their businesses afloat still kept focusing on giving to others, and the thousands…

  • What Does Stage 2 Look Like In Milton

    Just this afternoon Milton Town Council approved a plan brought forward by our staff on what Stage 2 of the COVID19 provincial recovery plan looks like from a service level. As one would understand, there are many factors involved in making these decisions of what is opened and what can wait. Safety of the residents…

  • Halton Region Moves To Stage 2

    The Province of Ontario announced earlier today that a number of regions will move to Stage 2 of the recovery process, which includes Halton Region. This is effective this coming Friday. Many businesses are now preparing to open in the coming days. I know many of us are excited to be able to get haircuts,…

  • Patio Time Soon For Milton?

    It may be sooner rather than later where Milton restaurants can be able open up their patio’s and sidewalks for customers – not at full volume though. Over the last several days, we have been working with our economic development department, planning as well as our local restaurant owners to work on a plan to…

  • Halton Urges Province To Add Region For Stage 2 Reopening

    Earlier today Halton Region Chair Gary Carr along with Halton‘s Mayors wrote a letter addressed to the Province of Ontario outlining why our region should move to Stage 2 timeline that was announced yesterday. It is of vital importance that we do everything we can to get our local small and medium sized companies up and…