Tag: milton town councillor mike cluett

  • Administration & Planning Committee Meeting November 14 2011

    Tonight (Monday November 14th) is the Administration & Planning Standing Committee meeting at Town Hall starting at 7pm.   This Committee consists of five Councillors and the Mayor. Committee members review all reports, formulate policy and make recommendations to Council on matters over which Council has authority under the Municipal Act, the Planning Act and other legislation.…

  • More Milton Mo Bro’s & Colour My Stash

    Thanks to Bernadette for letting me know of two more Milton Mo’ Bro’s.  As you are aware, I along with many other Canadians and people around the world are donating our muggs to help change the face of men’s health by growing insane mustashes.  If you’d like to donate to my Movember campaign, please visit…

  • Now THIS Is Community Spirit

    Three great articles in today’s Milton Canadian Champion. Thanks to both Angelo from Milton Orthotics , Angelina & Dean and Ken Patterson for their hard work in raising funds for the Milton District Hospital Foundation. Brother and sister donate sales from lemonade stand A $100 donation collected through a neighbourhood lemonade stand was recently presented by…

  • Movember After One Week

    As you may have noticed, I am taking part in this years Movember movement to help change the face of men’s health in Canada and much to my wife’s shegrin the “Hulk Hogan” stash is taking form quite nicely. I had sworn off facial hair after it kept going whiter and whiter as time went…

  • Weekend Activities

    Don’t forget there is going to be Remembrance Day Ceremonies this weekend at Milton Town Hall on Sunday November 6th at 1:30pm.  Join myself and other members of council as we honour those who have served our country, fought for freedom here and around the world and thank those who came back. I will also…

  • Gas Line Incident on Fourth Line

    Ward One Councillor Sharon Barkely posted on the Hawthorne Villager last night information about a gas line being cut by accident in the 4th line area which affected a number of homes.  Work will continue in the area and at last note from our Milton Fire Department is Union Gas is working on reconnecting roughly…