Tag: milton town council

  • Update on Oakville’s New Hospital

    Continuing on the “hospital” theme of my posts today, I read this article from Oakville Today and a conversation with John Oliver, the CEO of Halton Healthcare Services.  You will find his name familiar as HHS is also responsible for Milton District Hospital.  This article gives a good synopsis on what it took to get…

  • How To Reach Your Councillor

    I’ve had a few emails from people outside ward six wanting to know how they can contact their elected representatives.  You can go to www.milton.ca for that information in the Mayor & Council section.  It has the contact info of every member of council, along with a picture for reference. 🙂 Elected Official Contact Information…

  • Feedback About 1% Tax Levy

    From The Milton Canadian Champion – Letters to the Editor Hospital levy should be rescinded; taxpayers engaged in discussion Dear Editor:I read with interest the article in the January 20 Champion entitled ‘Hospital levy increases tax hike by 1%.’ Reporter Christina Commisso wrote that in a 6-5 vote Milton council approved a 3.58 per cent…

  • Milton Police Blotter – February 3 2011

    From the Milton Canadian Champion Trucks, wire stolen Between 7:45 a.m. and 5:26 p.m. Monday, the Hydro One site was broken into by thieves who climbed the firm’s Lower Baseline fence. F250 pick-up truck with 2366 RW plates and a Ford Ecoline truck with 161 MF plates were taken.  Also stolen was about 1,000 pounds…

  • Region Of Halton Approves 1.4% Increase

    Again from Kim Arnott Region settles on 1.4% tax hike In a budget that will see close to $1 billion spent on infrastructure, programs, services, regional staff and police, Halton’s council was hung up on about $190,000.That amount represented the difference between capping Regional staff pay increases at 2.25 per cent, which was the amount…

  • Hospital Levy Increases Tax Hike By 1%

    From the Milton Canadian Champion Christina Commisso, Milton Canadian Champion Town staff presented the budget committee a 2011 budget with a 4.86 per cent hike and included options to bring that percentage down to 1.66 per cent. The committee approved a 2011 budget with a 4.58 per cent tax increase. A passionate debate extended into…