Tag: mike cluett

  • 2012 Town of Milton Budget Documents are HERE!

    It’s that time of year again Milton.  No, not the long lines at the shopping malls, the honing of Christmas lists of your kids and the never ending list of holiday parties to attend.  Its budget time at the Town of Milton. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is a fun time for…

  • Citizens Committee To Decide Council Salaries

    From The Milton Canadian Champion.  I’ll post more details and my comments later. Citizen-based compensation committee could be formed Committee would make recommendation about town council members’ salaries With the salaries of elected representatives being a sensitive topic for councillors and the public alike, the Town is hoping to de-politicize the issue with a citizen…

  • Council Meeting November 21 2011

    The next meeting of Milton Town Council is on Monday November 21, 2011 starting at 7pm at Milton Town Hall. The governing body of the Town of Milton is Town Council, consisting of the Mayor and 10 Councillors who represent Milton’s eight wards.  Milton residents elect members of Council for a four-year term of office.  You can…

  • Colour My Stash Well Under Way

    As I announced recently, I am taking part in the Movember campaign to help change the face of men’s health and funds for prostate cancer.  Just yesterday, The Blue Room Spa in Milton made a donation of $100.00 and their choice of colour…obviously BLUE! You still have time to make your donation at my Movember…

  • Administration & Planning Committee Meeting November 14 2011

    Tonight (Monday November 14th) is the Administration & Planning Standing Committee meeting at Town Hall starting at 7pm.   This Committee consists of five Councillors and the Mayor. Committee members review all reports, formulate policy and make recommendations to Council on matters over which Council has authority under the Municipal Act, the Planning Act and other legislation.…

  • More Milton Mo Bro’s & Colour My Stash

    Thanks to Bernadette for letting me know of two more Milton Mo’ Bro’s.  As you are aware, I along with many other Canadians and people around the world are donating our muggs to help change the face of men’s health by growing insane mustashes.  If you’d like to donate to my Movember campaign, please visit…