Tag: mike cluett

  • Region of Halton Waste Managment Guide/Collection Calendar Coming Soon

    2012 Waste Management Guide & Collection Calendar delivered to homes next week From the Region of Halton website. The 2012 Waste Management Guide and Collection Calendar, which has everything you need to know about waste collection in Halton Region, will be delivered to homes starting January 13. The Calendar is effective February 1 and includes…

  • Still Waiting at 4TH Line

    For those residents along 4th Line near Beaty Trail & Menefly Place who are getting increasing frustrated with the detour, you are not alone.  I have over the last few weeks have received a number of complaints from residents in the area who are upset that 4th Line south of Derry towards Clark Blvd has…

  • Year End Interview With Mayor Gord Krantz

    Pan Am velodrome big issue going into new year Mayor hopes to see funding commitment for indoor cycling track From Christina Commisso, Milton Canadian Champion Mayor Gord Krantz says he has learned more about velodromes in the latter part of 2011 than in his whole life. That learning curve is expected to continue into this…

  • Milton Velodrome Discussion

    If you follow the Hawthorne Villager forum, you will see there’s been quite the discussion amongst the posters about the potential velodrome in Milton.  There is one more report to go and that will be received by council on January 23rd for review.  As soon as the report is made available online, I’ll post a…

  • City of Hamilton “Dropped The Velodrome Ball”

    From Margaret Shikmba from the Hamilton Spectator We dropped the velodrome ball – It’s not just about cycling — it’s about how we see ourselves   It’s that time of year again when our thoughts turn to reflection as we think about the events of the last year and wonder: Where did the time go?…

  • City of Hamilton Was Never Back In It

    As I stated in this blog  recently and in the Hamilton Spectator last week, the 2015 Pan Am Games committee has chosen Milton as the desired location for the velodrome.  The City of Hamilton couldnt get a deal finalized after being part of the process for a couple of years and didnt get the job…