Tag: mike cluett
Milton Town Council Meeting March 26 2012
The next meeting of Milton Town Council is on Monday March 26, 2012 starting at 7pm at Milton Town Hall. The governing body of the Town of Milton is Town Council, consisting of the Mayor and 10 Councillors who represent Milton’s eight wards. Milton residents elect members of Council for a four-year term of office. You can…
Remember this? I do!
Deb Matthews: “…the green light… the go ahead… I want to be very clear. This money has been allocated. It is in our fiscal plan. It has gone through the treasury board. All of the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed. This money is part of our infrastructre plan….this money is part of…
Weekend Reading
As I posted in my recent entry for the Administration & Planning Standing Committee, there are a number of issues to be discussed this coming Monday night. One of them is a public meeting regarding a proposed zoning bylaw amendment for a property at Thompson Road and Louis St Laurent. There is an application moved…
Admin & Planning Standing Committee March 19 2012
This coming Monday night March 19, 2012 will be the Administration & Planning Standing Committee meeting at Town Hall starting at 7pm. This Committee consists of five Councillors and the Mayor. Committee members review all reports, formulate policy and make recommendations to Council on matters over which Council has authority under the Municipal Act, the Planning…
UPDATE Bell Cell Tower Proposal
Here is some more updated information on the proposed Bell cell tower I posted about recently. The information letters have been circulated to the residents in the immediate area but I wanted to post it here so that everyone who is interested in this can submit comments/questions and take part in a public meeting. From…
Changes to Parking Bylaw Coming
The Community Services Standing Committee proposed some changes to the parking bylaws that will affect Miltonians. Back in November, Ward 5 Councillor Arnold Huffman asked staff to prepare a report on the current parking bylaw to see if it would be valid to change it from the current 3hr maximum parking and change it to…