Tag: mike cluett
Are We Prepared?
Today I had the opportunity to take part in an exercise at the Region of Halton. A number of elected officials were invited to take part in an emergency management overview and test our skills on how to handle a real emergency. Of course the emergency wasn’t real, but our reactions and skills were put…
Admin & Planning Standing Committee April 16 2012
This coming Monday night April 16th will be the Administration & Planning Standing Committee meeting at Town Hall starting at 7pm. This Committee consists of five Councillors and the Mayor. Committee members review all reports, formulate policy and make recommendations to Council on matters over which Council has authority under the Municipal Act, the Planning Act…
Cell Tower Information Session
I had the opportunity to attend the public open house held by Altus Group this past Thursday to discuss the proposal for a new cell tower located at the New Life Church at Thompson Road & Clark Blvd. The room was packed with a number of people overflowing into the hallway and near the entrance…
Cell Tower Open House Coming Up This Thursday
This is just a reminder that the Altus Group will be holding a public information session / open house this Thursday April 12th at 7pm in Milton Leisure Centre. As viewers of this blog will know, there is a lot of discussion amongst local residents about this ranging from outright opposition to people accepting it…
Milton Hospital Expansion Safe From Provincial Budget Cuts
Ontario budget won’t affect MDH Christina Commisso, Milton Canadian Champion Group say they’ll keep advocating for the MDH expansion until it’s complete. GRAHAM PAINE/Metroland Media Group The Milton hospital expansion is still a go. Following media reports last week that new hospital projects announced prior to the provincial election would be put on the chopping…
Heres What Your Councillors Earn
Here is an article from the online version of the Champion reporting on councillors salaries and professional development expenses (for conferences and meetings attended on behalf of the town) and where everyone ranks. As I mentioned in my blog a few days ago, I posted a brief outline of those expenses including mileage claimed by…