Tag: mike cluett

  • Have Your Say On Milton Transit

    If you are interested in providing some input towards our Milton Transit Master Plan Study, here is a date and some times to keep in mind and mark on your calendar. Wednesday October 24th at Milton Seniors Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive from 1:30PM to 4:00PM and at Milton Town Hall Main Foyer 150 Mary…

  • Halton Region Announces 311 Service

    Halton launches 311 service Halton Region is making it easier for residents to connect to programs and services. It has launched the 311 non-emergency service online, which allows residents to find, pay, register, report or request services from the Region, Halton Regional Police, or local municipalities. Residents can now either dial 311 or visit www.halton.ca/311…

  • Thanksgiving Stuff A Bus A HUGE Success

    Release from the Town of Milton NEWS RELEASE October 16, 2012 Milton Transit’s Thanksgiving Stuff-a-Bus collects over 1,700 lbs of food donations Milton Transit held its Thanksgiving “Stuff-a-Bus” on Saturday, October 6, 2012 where over 1,700 lbs of food were collected, including some cash donations for the Salvation Army food bank in Milton. “On behalf…

  • Champion Editorial Comments on 3 Bag Limit

    Unloading baggage We fully support Halton Region’s plan to reduce the bi-weekly number of garbage bags residents will be able to place curbside before a user-pay system kicks in. Next spring (April 1, 2013), residents will be provided with complimentary bag tags to affix to any garbage bags beyond their three-bag limit (currently residents enjoy…

  • Attention Residents in Louis St Laurent / Hwy 25 Area

    Just received an email from Town of Milton staff informing us that MADD Canada will be filming a documentary called “After Party” of a car crash. Details are listed here. This will be in the area of Diefenbaker Street / Louis St Laurent just west of 25 in Ward 7.  Please pass this information along…

  • Letters to Editor re: garbage

    As I have brought up here on my site a few times, there has been a growing concern with the amount of trash collecting along the side of Louis St Laurent in ward 6.  Since the opening of the new high school (Craig Kielburger Secondary School) earlier last month, there has been a growing problem…