Tag: mike cluett

  • Meetings Meetings Meetings

    Good Thursday afternoon everyone.  Lots of meetings coming up that will be affecting residents in Wards 1, 6, 7 & 8 and its a lot to tweet so I thought this would be a good spot to post them all. First off Union Gas is going to be holding an open house to discuss the…

  • Downtown Milton Condo Proposal

    Much has been talked about recently with the proposal for a condominium development in downtown Milton.  Recently the Town had held a Public Information Centre (PIC) to discuss it as well as get feedback directly from Milton residents. I, along with a number of town councillors, attended both sessions which had over 80 people come…

  • Milton Car Break-Ins

    I have been a victim of this a few years ago. The best advice is to have all valuables hidden from view and better yet not in the vehicle at all. Make sure your windows are rolled up and all doors locked. This wont guarantee that you wont have your car broken into, but it…

  • Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful

    Well maybe not frightful, but over the weekend we were reminded that winter is on its way with the light dusting of snow we received. I think with that its a good time to remind residents of Milton about the Town’s snow removal policies. Here is the link to the Town of Milton’s page that…

  • End of Daylight Savings Time This Weekend

    The Town of Milton and the Milton Fire Department would like to remind you of some important information regarding the end of daylight savings time this weekend. NEWS RELEASE October 28, 2015 End of Daylight Savings Time prompts reminder to test smoke alarms and change batteries This year, Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November…

  • Changes Coming To Milton’s Election Sign Bylaw?

    Here is a link to a story by Rachael Williams from the Milton Canadian Champion about the ever present sign mess that has happened over the last few election campaigns. http://www.insidehalton.com/news-story/5951106-signs-of-election-time-in-milton/ Election signs have been a part of democracy for as long as I can remember. As a child I remembered my father waiting to…