Tag: hawthorne villager
Halton Region Community Investment Fund
In the next of his series of videos, Regional Chair Gary Carr highlights the value of just some of the organizations that benefit from the Halton Region Community Investment Fund. The Halton Region Community Investment Fund (HRCIF) supports non-profit community health and social service programs aligned with strategic directions in The Citizens’ Priorities – Halton…
AMO Update – Post Ottawa
Over the next couple of days, I will get a more detailed accounting of what Milton councillors did on our 3 day conference in Ottawa. I promise 🙂 For those that don’t know, myself along with a number of Milton Councillors attended the annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference in Ottawa. This gives local…
Discover Milton Chats with Mike Cluett
October 2012 marks the half-way point for the term of Milton’s Town Council. Discover Milton (D.M.) recently had a chance to chat with Ward 6 Councillor Mike Cluett about how life is going for him in his first term. We covered a variety of topics about Milton and even learned a thing or two we…
Cycling Event Donates $478,000 to Milton Velodrome
NEWS RELEASE – August 8, 2012 Cycling Event Proceeds of $478,000 Donated to Milton’s Velodrome The Town of Milton is honoured to be the recipient of more than $478,000 for the Mattamy Cycling Centre – Home of Canadian Cycling. The funds have been raised from the eighth annual Tour de Bleu, Mattamy’s annual cycling fundraiser, to…
Regional Chair Gary Carr on Air Quality in Halton
The next video in his series Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr discusses Halton’s efforts to help improve the quality of air and what we can do to help. You can find his blog at http://haltonchair.wordpress.com/
Boyne Survey Moves Forward
With the approval of the Boyne Survey financial agreements, we are moving closer to adding another estimated 50,000 new people to the town of Milton. I have some concerns about the estimated total however. Municipalities have been burned in the past underestimating the number of people projected for each area, which can lead to under…