Tag: hawthorne villager
Champion Editorial Comments on 3 Bag Limit
Unloading baggage We fully support Halton Region’s plan to reduce the bi-weekly number of garbage bags residents will be able to place curbside before a user-pay system kicks in. Next spring (April 1, 2013), residents will be provided with complimentary bag tags to affix to any garbage bags beyond their three-bag limit (currently residents enjoy…
Attention Residents in Louis St Laurent / Hwy 25 Area
Just received an email from Town of Milton staff informing us that MADD Canada will be filming a documentary called “After Party” of a car crash. Details are listed here. This will be in the area of Diefenbaker Street / Louis St Laurent just west of 25 in Ward 7. Please pass this information along…
Letters to Editor re: garbage
As I have brought up here on my site a few times, there has been a growing concern with the amount of trash collecting along the side of Louis St Laurent in ward 6. Since the opening of the new high school (Craig Kielburger Secondary School) earlier last month, there has been a growing problem…
Official Opening of Craig Kielburger High School
It was more like a rock concert than an opening! All the students of CKSS were in the gymnasium of their new school to celebrate in the opening of Milton’s newest high school. The CKSS Spartan’s squad lead us with some great music and dancing. There was singing by the glee club followed by student…
Region of Halton Approves 3 Bag Limit
Recently the Region of Halton made a presentation to the Planning & Public Works committee outlining possible changes to the bag limit for Halton residents. Currently the limit is 6 bags per pick up (biweekly) along with weekly Blue Box and Green Cart pick ups. According to the staff report roughly 85% of Halton residents…
UPDATE On Construction Louis St Laurent
I know I havent been updating my blog as much recently and I thought occured that I do one REALLY BIG one. Sort of an omnibous blog post. Theres so much going on in Ward 6 and surrounding areas it would be too much to read and to post. So stick around, you’ll see more…