Tag: hawthorne villager

  • Harlem Shake – Milton United Way Style

    As a thank you to the people of Milton for their generosity in helping the United Way of Milton not only reach but surpass our goal and raise $ 695,000 we decided to give YOU a gift. Enjoy.

  • Family Day In Milton 2013

    Monday, February 18, 2013 Celebrate this holiday by participating in family-friendly activities at Town of Milton facilities, including swimming, skating, fitness, sports and more (see the link below for detailed schedules). Families can also get creative in a workshop at the Milton Centre for the Arts. Design an entry for the TORONTO 2015 Mascot Creation Challenge with help…

  • Keep Taxes Low

    Its a message we hear from many Milton residents throughout the year and especially around election time.  The next municipal election is to be held on October 27, 2014 in case you are wondering. In a recent letter to the editor, one of my council colleagues brought up some concerns about spending at the local…

  • Boston Pizza Supports Milton United Way

    I just wanted to say a quick word of thanks to the “celebrity” servers from last nights event at Boston Pizza. In case you didn’t know, last night the Milton United Way coordinated with Boston Pizza to donate 15% of the food sales in the restaurant to the UW. It could not have been the…

  • Road Closure Tremaine to Dymott Avenue

    Attention residents in Ward 8. From the Region of Halton Website Starting in February 2013, Halton Region will be installing a 400 mm watermain on Tremaine Road from Britannia Road to Dymott Avenue. The new watermain will ensure the safe delivery of water to existing and new communities in the Town of Milton. To complete…

  • Halton Region Asks For Input On Communication

    If you are interested in taking part in the survey by Halton Region, please sign up at www.halton.ca/mvp This is a great service provided by the Region to get as much citizen input as possible and work towards making things better.  I know that when I speak with residents in Milton about both town and…