Tag: brian penman

  • Its sinking in

    After taking a very long time to return emails, voice mails, tweets and posts over the last couple of days, I can honestly say its finally sinking in.  What really made it apparent that life has changed was the beginnings of the regular courier from Town Hall with information on meetings, seating arrangements and schedules…

  • Town Council to discuss tax increase

    As reported in todays Champion, Milton Town Council will be discussing a potential tax increase of 5.6 per cent on December 8th. One can only hope that council will take its time during the budget disscussions and do everything possible to limit the increase to todays rate of inflation. Last years increase of 6.6 per…

  • Every Vote DOES Count

    As many of you are aware, there was a provincial election recently. The campaign seemed to go on forever since Premier Dalton McQuinty closed down Queens Park early this summer and thus the rubber hit the road. During that campaign there was a referendum on our voting system that we, as voters, had to figure…