Author: Mike Cluett
Happy Republic Day
Memories of last years Republic Day Celebrations. Sadly this year due to COVID we’re not able to be together to enjoy the music, the dance and the wonderful stories from the children. All the best for the home celebrations this year. Be safe and we will see you all soon. Jai Hind !!!!
Stay Home Stay Safe Save Lives
For our health care workers, our essential workers and our healthcare system, lets stay home and save lives. StayHomeON #MiltonON
Federal Government Conditionally Approves CN Intermodal
I am extremely disappointed to share today that the Federal Government has ignored the risks to the health and safety of Halton residents by approving CN’s truck-rail hub in Milton. There are many conditions for this approval and the 49 page report released earlier today is being reviewed by Halton Regions legal team that represents…