Town of Milton Announces Phased Approach To Re-Open

Due to the ever changing circumstances of the COVID19 situation and doing our best to keep in line with the Province of Ontario plans for a gradual, phased in re-opening and recovery, the Town has taken a number of steps to phase in some activities and work towards future changes to some of our amenities.

Keeping in mind we are in constant dialogue with the Halton Region COVID Response team as we make these decisions.

As you will read in the news release, the Town has decided to cancel all Town run summer camp programs. This is a heartbreaking decision to make as many children and adults take advantage of Milton’s high quality, fun and educational camp programs during the summer season. I personally support this decision consulting with public health directives as well as our top priority of keeping Milton residents & employees as safe as possible. Should things change, our staff is working on possible modified programs that will be announced and advertised in the community.

Please note the directives on park activities, including off leash parks, tennis courts, and sports fields.

As always stay tuned to the Town of Milton social media for up to date changes & announcements.

From the News Release – May 21, 2020

Summer Camps:

Following the Ontario Government and public health directives, Milton is cancelling all Town-run summer camp programs. The health and safety of staff and participants is paramount and based on a variety of factors, the Town of Milton is not in a position to run our regularly scheduled summer camp programs this year.  As restrictions from the Province and Public Health are lifted, the Town may implement a redesigned or modified summer camp program where possible. If so, these modified programs will be advertised to the community.

Residents are asked to please be patient during this time as we expect it will take 2-4 weeks for staff to process these cancellations. Registrants will receive an email from the Town outlining the refund process.

Park activities and re-openings:

While parks were never closed for walk-through traffic, residents can now enjoy a few more activities in parks and green spaces, following physical distancing and with no more than five people:

  • Picnics
  • Flying a kite
  • Playing catch
  • Sitting on a blanket reading

As of Friday, May 22, 2020, the following will re-open with restrictions:

  • Off leash dog parks
  • Tennis courts
  • Park benches and shelters
  • Sports fields as open spaces

The following restrictions are in place for sports fields (such as baseball diamonds and soccer fields) or green space:

  • No more than five people gathered together
  • Must maintain physical distancing
  • No organized group or team sports

A number of park services and facilities remain closed. Visit the Town’s website to view the status of use for park equipment and services.

Town staff will continue to monitor and re-open amenities as it is deemed safe to do so, the priority continues to be the health and safety of our community.

For more information about the Town’s overall response to COVID-19, visit