Milton Council Receives COVID19 Update

Earlier today we held a special council meeting to update us on our COVID19 response. You can find the report here

During today’s meeting we made necessary changes to our meeting bylaws that will allow virtual participation from residents who want to comment on items listed on our agenda. Having the public take part in our council meeting, watching and commenting, is vitally important to us and resident will now be able to register with the clerk and present to council.

The other item was our COVID19 update which outlines a number of issues from business continuity, plans for economic recovery, operations going forward with reduced staffing levels and road plan mapping when we get the green light from the province and medical officer of health.

Plans are in place to get the Mayor’s Business Roundtable to become Milton’s economic recovery taskforce. In my role as chair of the Milton Economic Development Advisory Committee (MEDAC) I will be with our towns business leaders to devise an action plan to phase in business life – post COVID. While we haven’t received a date from the Province of Ontario, we will be setting up the course of action to be ready when that time comes.

Check out the video above for a synopsis of this meeting and if you have any questions or comments please let me know