UPDATE: Many thanks to Angela for getting a hold of me with updated information as she wanted to ensure that the public is getting the information correctly….so thanks Angela
An application has been made by Altus Group Limited (on behalf of Bell Canada) to install a cell tower in Milton in front of New Life Church on Thompson Road near Clark Blvd.
The date of the application is February 28th and this starts the process for input from places like the Town of Milton. I had originally posted the due date for submissions was March 20th, but that is wrong. The notices havent been sent out to area residents as of yet but will be sent shortly. There will be an opportunity to send in your input and in addition to that there WILL be a public meeting scheduled for a later date before the decision is made by Industry Canada.
Its important to know that the Town of Milton is a commenting agent only. The town will not be making the decision on this matter as it is under the jurisdiction of Industry Canada, which is the federal government.
Notices WILL Be sent out to homes in the area of 120 m radius of the proposed location which encompasses homes in both ward 7 and ward 6.
The tower will reach a height of 29.9 metres tall.
The proposal is for the installation of a cross style steel telecommunications mono-pole tower.
It will include:
- Fenced mechanical compount 8 x 9 m (equipment shed dimensions 2.03 x 2.44 m)
- Installation of buried hydro line and / or overhead hydro line
- Installation of concrete filled bollards
- Planting of spruce trees to surround compound.
If you do have any questions, please contact the following:
Angela Janzen, Planner – Policy
Town of Milton 150 Mary Street Milton ON L9T 6Z5
56 Responses to “Input Needed For Proposed Bell Cell Tower In Milton”
Thanks for the update Mike. I am just outside that area in ward 6 and I wouldnt have been informed of this. Ive got some obvious concerns about cell towers near a school and outside of you telling us this, I wouldnt have known something was already there. Im all for better service from providers but I’d like to know more about the effects of these things near schools and daycares.
You rock!
I am one of the home owners who just got notified of this cell tower. Let’s just say I am not happy…
I think it is completely reckless for a church that runs a daycare would agree to such thing. If my children went to that daycare they would be pulled from the school. It is amazing how someone (the Pastor) would put the all mighty dollar ahead of the children and families in the community. There are many countries other than Canada that have published studies that say that these things should not be anywhere near residential houses or schools/daycares. I even understand that the City of Toronto is starting to take the same position and only allowing these things in non-residential areas.
It is interesting how they will never put one of these things near a public school in Milton … I wonder why???
This tower is the choice of the Pastor and he can say no to Bell at anytime … Shame on him!!!!
The other issue is, do we really want a 100 foot cross located on one of the main streets leading into and out of Milton? You will see this think for miles. What’s next as far as religious symbols of this size? I am amazed Milton does not have any by-laws regarding this issue. If it was a 100 foot pole with a moon on top, there would be objection from at least 80% of Milton’s population.
Yours truly,
Question for the Milton Champion news paper …
As this eyesore will affect all residences of Milton in one way or another … why has it not been front page news in our paper?
I know it is hard to compete with a kid on a bike enjoying the nice weather in the March 13th addition … but come on … this is a real issue that everyone should be aware, of not just the 40 houses that got the mailer.
Thanks for your comments David. This is the reason why I wanted to get this information out ASAP.
If the tower was a little higher it would have met the requirements to have a newspaper ad run but since its 29.9 m tall, it doesn’t have to.
Did you receive your notice yet?
Yes, I got the mailer the other day.
I would assume that the Milton paper would take it upon themselves to run an add on something more relevant than a kid riding his bike on the front page.
Whether or not they are required to or not is another thing … this is real news to this community and I don’t think people really appreciate how close to the street this thing is and how high 100+ feet is. You will see it for miles and it will change the definition of Milton forever!
If it was another religious symbol other than a cross it would not be allowed. Therefore, as a standard looking tower it would also be required to be set back from the street or put in a place that was not right in or faces.
If this goes up, Milton has opened Pandora’s Box!
Thats why i posted about this as soon as i had information on it. As I mentioned in the post Im not fond of the current guidelines of informing local residents. I urge you and anyone else interested to send a letter to the paper to cover this and make sure you send in your comments as well.
As soon as I get any new information Ill post it on my blog.
Hi Mike. Please feel free to post this comment on your website. Thank you so much for putting this information out there. I live just down the road from the church but outside the 120 metre range and would not have been informed.
I think the whole town needs to know and Im so grateful you are our councillor because we havent heard anything from anyone else in town about this.
I’ll be sending my comments in and letting our MP Lisa Raitt know too. Shes our federal representative and she should know how Milton feels about this.
I will be there at the public open house on the 12th. Thanks again for being a true community representative.
G.S. Khan.
No problem. Its my pleasure.
Actually its a good idea to CC emails to Lisa Raitt’s office to keep her up to speed on this issue.
If anymore information comes up, I’ll be sure to post it.
Thanks for the feedback.
I have a call into the Milton Champion news paper … Playing telephone tag … When I here more I will post … I urge everyone to call so they take this serious and word gets out beyond the 40 houses that got the notice.
Also, from what I can tell from reviewing prior cases in North America … It is virtually impossible to win this fight on the possible heath issue … the only chance we have is the closeness to Thomson Rd and the “eye sore” factor.
We also need to know if there were alternative locations proposed that were not right bang in the open.
Mike: Are you aware of any of the alternative locations as I assume these would have been passed through City Council eyes for at least comment.
Hi. I do not know what all the fuss is about. What is wrong with the church making some money off of Bell Canada? Most people want better cell phone coverage, but aren’t wanting this? NIMBY again.
City of Toronto Staff Report:
Prudent Avoidance Policy on Siting Telecommunication
Towers and Antennas
I am one of the persons who received such a notification.
I tend to agree with most of what David has stated and am most thankful to Mike Cluett. To me the shape of the structure is not as important as its effect to people already occupying the area including the daycare kids. It would be nice if the pastor takes the whole picture into consideration and changes his mind.
I am responding to the notification that I received and am reproducing a portion from it. The website http://www.emf-health.com/articles-celltower.htm brings out the results of German and Israeli studies that indicate: “the proportion of newly developed cancer cases was three times higher among those who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400m (about 1300 feet) from the cellular transmitter site, compared to those living further away. They also revealed that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier.”
I hope common sense finally prevails over everything else.
Mike do you support the proposal for the new cell tower in Milton ? Thanks
I don’t think you will find one house within 3 kilometres of the church that thinks this cell tower at this church is a good idea.
So far Lisa Raitt has not responded to any of the emails or letter that I have or my neighbours have sent … that is a lot of votes.
What I do not understand is … why was the location of the smaller tower noted in the notification letter that 1.03 km south ruled out?
If this land has a cell tower on it already and is within the vicinity that Bell requires, why not just build a bigger tower. The only difference is it is owned by Halton not a church?
Wouldn’t it be better for the rent money go to Milton and be donated to the hospital vs going to the church pockets.
Mike do you have any insight on this?
Just printed out a map of the Cell towers in Milton … if Bell is already on that 300 foot tower at Derry Rd and Ontario St … why do they need another mega tower 1 km east?
Does Mike even come on this website ? Why is there no response to our questions ?
Hi Steven,
Yes I do come to this website because its my personal site. I appreciate the questions that have been asked and Im looking at finding answers to them. I like you and the other residents are awaiting responses from the Altus Group and await the public info session on April 12th and hopefully they will be.
As for my support or not supporting this, the Town doesnt have a say in the matter and the decision is being made by Industry Canada.
My personal opinion on the matter will be decided when I review the information available to us. The church has a right to pursue matters related to their property. I want to make sure that the safety of the residents of Milton is addressed during this process and look forward to reviewing it. Again, the town has no say in this but honestly I wish we did.
Steven / Pat (and anyone else reading this),
A number of my neighbours will be going around and doing a petition on having this monstrosity put somewhere else.
I assume you live in the area of the church … have you been talking to your neighbours … are they as outraged as mine are?
There was one defeated a while back in another city with the help of a petition including around a thousand signatures. The more people we have to go door to door the better.
David – Thats great. I don’t live in the area affected but a Milton resident my whole life. I am very familar with the health hazards associated with this technology which has sparked my interest. I know many many people who have fallan ill and the truth needs to come out. Anything I can do to help let me know. How can we connect ? Thanks
Hi All,
I have just sent the comments / Petition to the ALTUS / Spectrum & Angela @ Milton.ca
I would recommend you all to send the Petition against to belos listed e-mails:
comments.agi@altusgroup.com; spectrum.toronto@ic.gc.ca
Cc: angela.janzen@milton.ca
ATTN: Morteza Alabaf & Spectrum Engineeering REF # BW2351
Good Day All,
I would like to submit a Petition against the Cell-Tower project. Two of my neighbours are CC’ed and will send their views. Pat and I are on mutual decision for the “Cell-Tower” not to be installed on Clark.
It interferes with our internal communication (Cell Phone (on Different Provider, Wireless Router, VOIP Phone, Cordless Phone,etc.)
Cell phone Tower is capable of blasting that signal over 20 miles radius. It SHOULD NOT BE Installed in a Residential Zone. There is an open Land at the corner of Thompson / Britannia, You can can install it there somewhere.
Phone becomes noisy, Internet signals drops, will you Guys be DISTRIBUTING NEW Routers and Modems to all neighbours……….NO …right and it’s not safe of our environment, so we will go against it till Court.
We also have lots of Medical Clinics and Hospital around and perhaps the most serious consequences of interference from EMF are those which occur in medical laboratories and hospitals. Here, common electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues take on life-threatening features. Interference with the normal operation of medical devices can have catastrophic consequences.
With the increase in the utilization of microprocessor-based diagnostic, therapeutic, and patient monitoring equipment within hospitals, corresponding increases in failure rates of these devices from interfering radio frequency (RF)sources have been noted.
Certain implanted medical devices, including insulin delivery systems and pacemakers, are also sensitive to environmental AC magnetic fields.
Please check this link http://citizensforsafetechnology.org/ehs-symptoms-and-support-in-health-effects,27,0
EHS: Symptoms and Support
Electrohypersensivity (EHS), originally known as microwave sickness, is receiving international recognition as an emerging public health problem. The Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Americans with Disabilities Act and our Canadian Government now recognize EHS as an Environmental Sensitivity, and it is now recognized in Sweden and Norway as a Functional Impairment.
Over 3,000 doctors agree, ” . . . One can no longer evade these pulsed microwaves. They heighten the risk of already present chemical/physical influences, stress the body’s immune system, and can bring the body’s still-functioning regulatory mechanisms to a halt. Pregnant women, children, adolescents, elderly and sick people are especially at risk.” Freiburger Appeal, signed by over 3,000 German Medical Doctors
The damaging health effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) fields – neurological, respiratory and cardiac, as well as others of a more general nature – have been known for decades, but with the explosion of modern wireless devices and infrastructure, ill health effects are being felt by more people every day.
Those for whom symptoms are more subtle do not usually, in the early stages of reactivity, make the RF connection. For those who already know they are electrohypersensitive, this is a life-affecting reality.
The Power Watch Handbook states that between 3% and 35% of our population are sensitive in some way to electromagnetic frequencies. The likelihood will only grow with continued exposure and time.
Angela @ Milton: Please issue a notice against the Installation as this is not acceptable for the safety of our community. Milton is not a RURAL Area, where such installation can take place.
Awaiting the favour of an eagerly response.
Irfan Ali
If I can get enoupg people in the next couple of days / week I am going to try and set up a face to face meeting so we can all discuss. Power in numbers.
Besides the studies on the internet … what else do you have?
What is your background?
The sad part is … right now you don’t have a cell tower issue … but in 5 years you probably will at the rate they are going up.
David- That’s great i’m very interested please keep me posted. I actually have 2 cell phone towers in the area that I live. I’m sure there will be more…unless the people of Milton and more importantly our “leaders” take a position and stop placing sole responsibilty on the Federal government. Yes this is a Federal issue and Industry Canada has alot to say….but that is no excuess to lay your hands down and do nothing. If the people of Milton can fight then so can our leaders.
FYI – I just met with Rick Di Lorenzo Local Councillor for Ward 7 … long story short he will not give his official or unofficial support to us.
I even asked if we had a petition signed by 1,000 people in the area … would he sign it … he said no (unless the daycare did).
Therefore, I say we challenge this theory … We need volunteers to canvas the neighbourhood for signatures.
I therefore offer my backyard as a meeting area for anyone interested in taking this to the next level.
Get the word out … the only way to get this stopped is strength in numbers (Call your neighbours).
Oh ya … I had a voice mail from Tony Lambert … I will keep you all posted.
Oh ya … I got a response back from Lisa Raitt’s office …you can also count her support out as well.
It would have been nice if she actually sent the response herself … it not like we are having problems with garbage removal or some other mundane issue.
I would have thought this issue would grab her attention for at least 5 minutes.
I guess we are only registered voters.
Last night I proposed to set up a meeting the home owners in the area to discuss face to face.
It does not look like the weather is going to cooperate with us this weekend … so as a precaution, if you intend to come please send me your email address in advance just incase we have to move the location.
oh ya … my email address is: david_coulter@sympatico.ca
To Councillor Mike Cluett: You express powerlessness with the cell tower issue because you claim, it is a federal responsibility. Yet, hospitals and healthcare is a provincial responsibility. You have always been quick to jump on the Milton hospital issue, getting photo ops and criticizing the provincial Liberal gov’t. Why no position on the federal cell tower issue and such decisiveness on the hospital issue?
Hi Steven,
I am working on getting this issue to the residents in the area by virtue of this website. I am collecting information on behalf of residents to put together something to present to the Altus Group before the 12th of April public information session.
I am going to be making inquiries on how the town itself can look at the issue on behalf of Miltonians.
This isnt an issue Im ignoring as you can tell by the comments on my website and others.
The hospital issue is something that I along with many others have been working on for quite some time.
I appreciate your concern on the issue and look forward to your comments on the 12th of April.
I just wanted to let you know that Mike has been working on this with myself and a number of other residents in the area. He has been upfront with the process and available at any time to answer questions. None of the other councillors have put forward this much information and if it werent for him, I wouldnt have known about this seeing how I live outside that 120 m area.
Mike isnt hiding or claiming to be “powerless” on this or any other issue. Hes the only guy helping residents get informed on this.
I just wanted to point that out. Thank you Mike for everything youre doing.
In fact the city is not powerless as they claim … please see the web sites below.
I have been emailed each of our council members and I agree a lot of them are hiding (not sure why as we are the voters in this community not the church) … not to mention both our MPP as well as our MP are hiding (and I voted for them and I even had a sign on my lawn … I guess I go red next time) …
If they would just do a little research they would see how much there opinions play in this game not to mention how really bad these things are.
By way of example both Toronto and Oakville are not buying Industry Canada’s company line:
If you do a search on line, even the International Fire Fighters association do not want anything to do with these things (I may have posted a link in one of my prior uploads).
FYI – I am trying to put together a pre meeting with the residences in the area this Saturday @ 3:00 … not sure where yet … the weather does not look promising. If you are in the area check your door you may see a not from me on it. Strength in numbers!!!
If not, email me and I will add you to the list:
Whoops … typo …
David thats great feedback…what council memebers specifically are hiding ?
Still playing email & telephone tag with Tony Lambert (email messages seem positive) … the only one taking a proactive stance on this is Mike Cluett.
After meeting with Rick Di Lorenzo … no comment!!!!
If you come to the meeting this Saturday I will elaborate.
I honestly do not think the rest of council realizes how significant this issue is for the town … As Milton grows these cell companies will install more and more of these things where ever they deem fit. In 5 years, there will be one on every block unless Milton takes a stance like Toronto and Oakville have.
Dave does Mike Cluett support the proposal for the new cell phone tower or is he against it ? I’m still waiting to hear his posiion. Has he made a public statement? Thats a shame about Tony Lambert and Rick Di Lorenzo this is such an important issue I wonder why they don’t respond.
To Councillor Mike Cluett….please read the following below as I feel it may help speed up your decison making process whether or not to support the cell tower proposal. Thanks and looking forward to your decision.
Here is an important letter from Charlie Crist Governor of the State of Florida Acknowledging Electromagnetic Sensitity EMS.(I re-typed the letter on here for people to see)
Electromagnetic Sensitivisty (EMS) Awareness Month (May)
WHEREAS, people of all ages in Florida and throughout the world have deveoped the Illness of Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) as a result of global electromagnetic polluion; and
WHEREAS, Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) is a painful chronic Illness of hypersensitivities reactions to electromagnetic radiations for which there is no known cure; and
WHEREAS, the symptoms EMS include, dermal changes,actue numbness and tingling, dermatitis, flushing, headaches, arrhythmia, muscular weakness, tinnitus, malalse, gastric problems, nausea, visual disturbances, sever neurological, respiratory, speech problems, and numerous other physiological symptoms; and
WHEREAS, Electromagnetic sensibility (EMS) is recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the U.S Access Board; and
WHEREAS, the health of the general poplulation is as risk from electromagnetic exposures that can lead to this Illness inducd by electromagnetic radiations; and
WHEREAS, this Illness may be preventable through the reduction or avoidnace of electromagnetic radiations, in both indoor and outdoor environments and by conductiong further scientific research; and
WHEREAS, people with EMS need the support of the Medical Establishment, understanding of family, friends, co-workers, and society as they struggle with their illness and have to adapt to new lifestyles;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charlie Crist, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing May 2009 as Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) Awareness Month.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Florida to be affixed at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this 29th day of March, in the year two thousand nine. Charlie Christ (signs and stamps document)
The link below is from a public presentation that occurred a couple weeks ago in Oakville. Very informative and covers the studies that many of us have been referencing as well as puts all the technical jargon in a manner that the average person can understand.
After watching this video, if my children attended that daycare I would pull my kids from that daycare tomorrow … they are effectively cooking those kids.
I also found interesting is that the people outside the 120 meter radius are worse off than we are (ie the people who got the notice). If you live 500 – 800 feet from this thing move now!!!!
Any government official whether our local politicians to our MP who does not support this issue proactively has to start asking themselves some really deep ethical questions … why not?
Put it this way … Industry Canada relying on studies that $$$ has traded hands … in the millions … ask your self what do you believe and were is the next Milton tower going to go?
Probably in your back yard.
Rogers planning to install a cell tower at Hawthorne Plaza as well.
Sorry, where is Hawthorne Plaza?
I just came to know about it from my neighbour(Many thanks to him) and I dont think the issue here is whether it’s a cross or an eyesore. The main issue is the health concerns.
Studies after studies have shown that cell towers have no place in residential areas due to RF signals it emits and you all can do your own research.
Let’s all of us get together and say NO to this cell tower in our neighbourhood.
I agree, when I first got notified about this I did not fully appreciate the health risks and I got side tracked with the “eye sore” factor …
Now I fully understand what this thing is and how dangerous it can be … I could not care what form it takes.
The health risks are real…there is no way the government is going to come out and bad mouth a multi billion dollar industry. Over time like cigaretts the truth will come out. But by then there will be many people sick. Individuals must do their own resarch and make a decision based on whats best for them. Instead of being brainwashed by people in authority or by Bell Canada….these people do not your your best intrest….its all about money.
Hello everyone,
Please visit and join the Facebook webpage, Milton (Ontario) Residents Against Cell Phone Towers and add your comments and/or any new information you have. Milton residents need to be informed. As well, I’ve created an online petition,
https://www.change.org/petitions/bell-mobilty-via-altus-group-stop-building-cell-phone-towers-in-residential-areas-in-milton. Please spread the word and get as many signatures as possible.
Mike, I understand you said an online petition is not as effective; however, this is in addition to the signatures we are collecting door to door.
It is also very disappointing to hear how uncooperative Rick Di Lorenzo is being. Perhaps a group of us should go over and meet him in person to discuss?
Cliff job well done. I just called called Rick Di Lornezo and there was no answer. I expressed my concerns about his lack of communication and the importance of this issue. I’m hoping he takes it seriously and connects with the people who have contacted him. I have asked him to do so. This is his phone number on the town of Milton’s website 416-821-1219.
Hi Steve, thanks for the phone call. I take local communication seriously and try to return all phone calls as soon as possible.
Cliff I’m not sure what you meant? Please call me 416821-1219. I received your email over the weekend and replied back today about meeting. I’m on cousins terrace now actually just going door to door
Rick, I responded to your email message a few minutes ago.
Re: What I meant, I am assuming you mean “It is also very disappointing to hear how uncooperative Rick Di Lorenzo is being. Perhaps a group of us should go over and meet him in person to discuss?”
We had a concerned neighbours meeting last Saturday at David’s home and he and another neighbour informed us that they have been calling you to speak to you; however, you have not returned their calls which is why you were not at the meeting. We all appreciated Mike being there and sharing his thoughts. We have a large group of concerned Milton residents and we are growing larger everyday. We would very much like to speak to you to understand:
1. Do you or don’t you support the building of this Cell Tower?
2. If you don’t what have you done and what are you going to do on behalf of residents of Ward 7?
3. What you and other Councillors like Mike are doing to join forces to ensure this proposal does not go through?
It really is quite simple, we the residents DO NOT WANT this tower built near any residential homes, schools, etc. We will do whatever we can to STOP this and are looking for support from elected Councillors to support and assist us.
I have proposed we meet tomorrow evening in my email. Please let me know if this works for you. We look forwad to hearing from you.
Thank you
Cliff, David emailed me at 1pm last tuesday and I replied within 45 minutes and met him in person that same day.
On Sunday I received another phone call (different person, you likely know him but don’t want to post his name online without his permission) from someoen who was at the weekend meeting and I returned that same call the next day.
No one called me to invite me or let me know there was a meeting over the weekend. I really would have liked to have been there
I do have a day job from 9am to 5pm monday to friday but any resident that called or emailed me on the cell tower got a very quick call/email back and where possible a personal phone call or meeting.
I went door to door yesterday along Cousens Terrace (sorry I know it was a bad time for you). I’m planning to go door to door along Clark Blvd on Wednesday, but if you have time on wednesday to meet I can come by your home around 6:30pm? I can’t come by tonight as I don’t have a babysitter and I’m allowed only so many days away from home.
But if you feel comfortable (and still available) your welcome to come to my home tonight after work? I don’t live far from you.
My cell is 416-821-1219 I can’t answer during work hours but I can return voice mails at lunch or after work (I work downtown Toronto at the Globe and Mail).
To Councillor Mike Cluett
Have you decided if your going to support the new cell tower proposal ? Lsst we spoke..11 days ago you were waiting to “review the information” Have you been able to come to a conclusion? We need all the support we can get seeing that these cell towers are a major threat to our heatlh. Looking forward to hearing your decision.
FYI – Altus is holding a information session April 12th at the Milton Leisure Centre from 7-9pm. Thanks
I live within 120m of the proposed tower. No notice ever provided.
I’m with the poster above – shame on Pastor Dan.. there’s a word for this prosti…..