In what was described by Regional Councillor Colin Best as the highest attended levee, hundreds of people flowed into Milton’s Town Hall to be entertained by some amazing performances and served coffee, tea, and cupcakes by Milton’s Town Councillors.
You remember back in October, councillors were elected to serve the people of Milton…many didn’t think it was so literal.
Nine out of the eleven councillors (two couldn’t make it unfortunately being out of town on family holidays) did their very best in hosting this years Mayor’s New Years Levee at Town Hall. This event has always been put on by the Milton Historical Society and they did enjoy being on the other side of the event this year. Many people were amazed at how us councillors were able to serve up these great snacks.
I can tell you from personal experience, although tiring, everyone of us enjoyed doing it. I was even joking with the other councillors that we could almost form a company and set up a side business in catering 🙂 (Yes we ARE kidding)
It was great to see so many faces, young and old, at the levee (quite a few from Ward 6 as well) and answering questions and exchanging some holiday cheer. In the Milton Room (the West Wing of Town Hall) there was a presentation on upcoming projects that the town is involved with. I know for certain Councillors Colin Best and Cindy Lunau were quite busy getting people up to speed on how Milton will change in the coming years.
There was no shortage of entertainment in the lobby as well. The Milton Seniors “Song Spinners” were a huge hit with the crowd with holiday songs and many in attendance sang along. “A Capella Showcase” started off the afternoon with renditions of some traditional carols and it was a great way to celebrate a fantastic day.
This event couldn’t have been pulled off without the efforts of Councillor Cindy Lunau. Many thanks goes to her for coming up with the idea and getting us all organized and ready to serve. Other thanks goes to our gracious sponsors (I hope I get them all) Troy’s Diner, Tim Horton’s, Flour Girls – great cupcakes – & La Rose Bakery for their treats.
I can honestly say that council members are really looking forward to doing this again. It definitely adds a personal touch and really exemplifies what a levee is all about…meeting members of council and socializing with fellow residents.
Happy New Year everyone and thanks for coming out.

4 Responses to “New Years Levee a Huge Success!”
Sounds like it was great fun! Wish I could have been there but I was out of town – maybe next year.
I did get to see the Flourgirls cupcakes with the Town of Milton logo on the icing. How do they do that?!
It was am amazing night before with the bell ringing and day for the levee. HUNDREDS of people came out…the weather had a lot to do with it as well.
As for the cupcakes I am just as puzzled as you are but instead of thinking about it, I just enjoyed them. Very Yummy!
Thanks for the photos and post Mike.
The flourgirls have a secret formula for reproducing the Town logo on their cupcakes. Thanks again to all the sponsors who donated the delicious treats! (I did some quality control tasting as well)
We all did some “quality control tasting” Colin. It was hard to do mind you, but we had to make sure everything tasted just right. 🙂
Kudos to you for taking the leadership in the Milton Room letting people know what projects were on the go and what Milton will look like in the future. Great feedback and something we should do more often.