I posted earlier this week about some Miltonians who are taking part in Movember…growing the moustashe throughout the month of November, to help raise awareness for men’s health.
Brad Dickerson, Brian Best, Martin Capper and Peter Near are four Miltonians that I knew about directly who were participating but according to Jeremy Grimaldi of the Milton Canadian Champion there are many more including a few from Rock This Way: The School of Rock on Main Street.
I think its great that people are getting behind this and helping to raise awareness of men’s health issues including all to familiar prostate cancer which is a disease that close to 25,000 men in Canada will be diagnosed with this year alone.
Here’s the MO-tivational article by Jeremy at the Milton Canadian Champion. Go visit their “MO-spaces” and donate as much as you can.
Miltonians growing mustaches in fundraising craze
November 18, 2010
Five Milton musicians have donated their faces to raise money for prostate cancer in a new campaign that’s sweeping the Western world.
Movember, mo being slang for moustache, was first created by two radio disc jockeys in Australia before it eventually went global reaching the UK, South Africa and now Canada.
Throughout this month thousands of Canadian men will raise millions of dollars to help with research and awareness about prostate cancer — a disease that 25,000 men will be diagnosed with in Canada this year alone.
In Milton, Eddie Fiori, Shaun Noronha and Derek McGowan of Rock This Way: The School of Rock on Main Street East have spent about two weeks growing mustaches and raising about $500 for Movember.
By the end of the month, they hope to raise $2,000 and develop true ‘Tom Selleck-style’ mustaches.
Fiori, 27, who owns the school, said growing mustaches, which he feels look silly on certain people, puts a positive spin on a serious issue. “I wanted to do it because I wanted to raise money for cancer. A close friend of mine passed away from testicular cancer not too long ago so although Movember raises the money for prostate cancer I think it raises awareness for men’s health in general.”
Milton-born McGowan, who’s a guitar instructor, said he thought he looked like a musician from the southern American band from the ’70s, Lynyrd Skynard.
“This is a big deal,” he said. “And Movember is a great way to raise money for a good cause.”
Movember has grown so large in the Great White North in the last few years, that last year the Canadian campaign placed second in the world, behind Australia, with 35,156 people coming together to raise $7.8 million for Prostate Cancer Canada.
Anyone that wants to help out the Rock This Way team, which also includes Michael Banks and David Partridge, is asked to visit www.movember.com and type Rock This Way when prompted under the donate section.
Councillor-elect Mike Cluett has also added pictures and profiles of other Movember participants on his website/blog at www.mikecluett.ca.