I just returned from the opening of the Tiger Jeet Singh Public School and to echo some of the comments from people in attendance… WOW!
Hundreds of people came out to support the Singh family in this unprecedented opening of a new school in Milton. Principal Rick Nodwell and the staff of the school were beaming with pride as the children chanted “TJS…TJS…TJS” showing pride in their school and their community.
Overhead a plane flew over the school as the children and people in attendance waved Canadian flags and cheered. Inside the packed auditorium people listened to the dignitaries from other countries who flew here today for this event. It was a highly emotional day for the Tiger family as a grin formed from ear to ear when it was announced the school mascot was “TIGER!”
The childrens choir got up to sing a very powerful song about being Canadian and they did a wonderful job as many in the crowd felt the emotion in their words. In another emotional moment, Tiger Ali Singh, former WWE Superstar got up to speak. He quickly broke into tears as he detailed the reasons why his father is a great man, and his personal hero. Chants of TIGER filled the room when he came up to the podium to speak and you could quickly see how this school has become very tight knit and proud of where they go. It was amazing to say the least.
Tiger Jeet Singh offered words of advice to the students before he finished. Stay in school, stay Tiger-fit and stay away from drugs! A great message from a great man.
Its a wonderful accomplishment for this highly decorated individual who has never forgotten his roots, both in India and here in Milton. Wherever he goes, whatever he does hes a Miltonian through and through. Congratulations Tiger! This is an honour well deserved by a wonderful man and a great family as well.
I’ll see you at the doors.