Birthday Greetings and Ticats Support in Milton

Before I get started I wanted to wish my Dad a Happy Birthday.  Last year at this time we were all in Newfoundland for his birthday and this year he got to see me on TV so… its almost good enough.  Happy Birthday Dad.

First off a big thanks goes out to everyone who has called, emailed or tweeted me in the last few hours.  Ever since posting yesterdays blog, I have been inundated with support from people both in Milton AND from Hamilton of all places.

I’m going to try to get the video uploaded of tonight’s CHCH News at 6 show where they had a brief interview with both myself and Mayor Gord Krantz about Milton taking a stab at getting the CFL franchise and the Pan Am stadium for 2015.  The idea came to me after I heard the news from Bob Young that he was pulling the organization from the negotiation table about any option for a stadium in Milton.

As a fan, I wondered where would they go?  Quebec?  Moncton?  Definitely viable options for the team but  as a fan, Id lose.  And so would the hundreds of thousands of TigerCat/CFL fans in southern Ontario.  Then I thought…why not Milton?  And it grew from there. 

I gave Milton Mayor Gord Krantz a call to see what would have to be done to get the ball rolling.  After a long conversation, the wheels were set in motion.  From what Ive heard today, there has been contact with the team and they are definitely intrigued at the idea of moving 30 minutes north. 

Both of us wanted to get the point out as well, that we’re not looking to steal the Ticats away.  We both (as well as many of the supporters of the idea) want them to stay in Hamilton.  As I said in the interview “Hamilton is the TigerCats and the TigerCats are Hamilton” 

Will this happen overnight?  Not likely.  There are so many things that can happen to derail any of these options…best of one would be that the TiCats and the City of Hamilton come to some workable arrangement and keep the Cats in Steeltown.  But if not, we have a home for them in Milton and we’ll do what we can to make it work.

There’s a Facebook group up and running on this … isnt there always?  Please click here and join to show your support or start a discussion.

While you’re at it, you can join my campaign Facebook group as well to stay on top of campaign happenings for Ward 6.  There is very little time left before nominations close and in the next 10-15 days anything can happen.

Im looking forward to the next 70 plus days before election day…meeting as many people as possible and discussing issues like this and others that are important to you.  Call, email or tweet me anytime.

Until then, I’ll see you at the doors.